Seed Needs, Blue Borage Herb Borago officinalis Twin Pack of 100...

Seed Needs, Blue Borage Herb Borago officinalis Twin Pack of 100...

Seed Needs, Blue Borage Herb (Borago officinalis) Twin Pack of 100 Seeds Each

Grow Borage Herb from fresh Borago Officinalis herb seeds. Borage is an attractive herb that is often grown for it's deep blue, star shaped blooms. It reaches a mature height of about 12 to 24 inches tall. Borage is not only sought after for it's beauty, but also it's cucumber flavored leaves and attractive flowers. Both of which are often used in salads, to add flavor and color. Grown as an annual herb, Borage will grow quickly, bloom profusely and then die soon after with the first killing frost. Plants can return the following year if seeds drop to the earth under it, or if they are collected for resowing. Borage herb plants will attract an array of bumblebees and are also great to grow near vegetable gardens. It is recommended to harvest the leaves of Borage herb early as they will be much more flavorful. Matured leaves begin to get tough and hairy. The flowers of Borage however can be harvested at any time. Try cutting the plants to use in a decorative vase as well!
  • Quality Borage seeds packaged by Seed Needs. Intended for the current and the following growing season. Packets are 3.25" wide by 4.50" tall and come with a full colored illustration on the front side, as well as detailed sowing instructions on the reverse.
  • Borage is an attractive herb that is often grown for it's deep blue, star shaped blooms.
  • Borage herbs grow to a mature height of 12 to 24 inches tall. Used for it's cucumber flavored leaves, as well as it's gorgeous, edible flowers.
  • Categorized as an annual flowering herb, Borage will grow quickly, bloom profusely through the summer months and later wil during the late autumn season.
  • All Borage seeds sold by Seed Needs are Non-GMO based seed products and are intended for the current & the following growing season. All seeds are produced from open pollinated plants, stored in a temperature controlled facility and constantly moved out due to popularity.
  • Voted: 552
  • Brand: Seed Needs
  • Product Code: B003TI9UFQ
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $12.87



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