Vitabase Ultra Greens

Out Of Stock Vitabase Ultra Greens


  • Includes more than 40 quality, natural ingredients.
  • Provides a convenient solution for those concerned they may not be getting enough fruit and green food in their diets.
  • Is loaded with vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and antioxidants, making it a well-rounded product.
  • Is nitrogen flushed for maximum freshness.
Ultra Greens: The Ultimate Concentrated Superfood
Few Americans get all the nutrients they need from their daily diets. Busy schedules mean missing meals or grabbing an unhealthy fast food meal. Many of us fail to get the recommended daily amounts of fruit and vegetables with all the good nutrients they add to our diets. 
Failing to eat balanced diets means our bodies can be deficient in important nutrients and lack the necessary resources to provide needed energy. In addition, much of our processed food today has lost its full nutritional value. Heat kills enzymes, and poor preparation methods deplete vitamins. 
Ultra Greens may be the answer to the nutritional needs your body craves. Ultra Greens provides protein-rich foods like alfalfa, barley, spirulina, and brown rice along with vitamin-dense foods like spinach, broccoli, acerola berry juice, royal jelly, and bee pollen. Wheat grass is much more nutrient dense than many vegetables. Antioxidants from green tea and grapes provide your body with powerful defenses against free-radical damage. Astragalus and milk thistle support proper immune-system function. 
Flax is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which help heart health. Many other beneficial ingredients are included as well. Together these whole foods and supplements give your body the vitamins, minerals, enzymes. and protein it needs to function at its full potential. 
With more than 40 quality, natural ingredients, your body will feel the effects of Ultra Greens quickly. Compare Ultra Greens to other “green” whole-food products, and you will find it difficult to find another product with as many beneficial elements.
This concentrated superfood is easy to take. Just combine it with your favorite juice and give your body the nutritional support it needs.

Item No SV2535

  • Voted: 7881
  • Brand: Vitabase
  • Product Code: SV2535
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $23.94



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